San Giuliano Milanese

Municipality of San Giuliano Milanese

February 2022
Thanks to the collaboration with:
Valvitalia Group and ANICTA
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Project description

As a result of the collaboration with the Municipality of San Giuliano Milanese, Valvitalia and ANICTA, the twelfth Arbolia project was launched.

Located in the hamlet of Zivido, in the area south of the town centre and near residential and productive areas, this initiative will contribute to the mitigation of noise and particulate matter, as well as having an important recreational function.

Social and environmental benefits

The new green area, with 1,942 trees will allow to absorb up to 332 tonnes of CO2 over 20 years and 338 kg of PM10 per year. It is a heritage project for the local community and it is therefore essential that everyone takes care of it.

Most used species

The choice of species for afforestation was made considering the characteristics of the soil and climate of the area concerned.

The following were planted:


  • Field Elm, 451
  • Field Maple, 451
  • English Oak, 107
  • European Hornbeam, 107
  • European Nettle Tree, 244
  • Black Poplar, 97


  • Wild Privet, 58
  • Wayfaring Tree, 58
  • Hawthorn, 97
  • Dog Rose, 136
  • Blackthorn, 136

(*) The CO2 absorption value is calculated over the 20-year plant afforestation life and takes into account the specificities of the individual project and the main climatic regions in Italy.

The calculation was carried out on the basis of a study commissioned by Arbolia to the University of Tuscia, which involved the creation of a database containing information on growth, environmental and stationary characteristics from scientific documentation for the forest species most used in afforestation projects in Italy.

The methodology proposed at international level and used for the calculation considers the conversion of unforested land (prairies, cultivated land, etc.) into forests, as provided for by the IPCC Guidelines - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (2006), compared to the changes in carbon quantities that would have been observed in the absence of the project activities (baseline).

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